Rating : 3.5 (3.5/5)
Review: Madras Cafe directed by Shoojit Sarkar is a movie that blends facts and fiction making it a perfect watch for all. The story hinges on a plan of assassinating the Pacifist ex-Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi. Lets move the Chennai Express to the Madras Cafe to have a cup of thrill and action.

When they are in war Vikram has to report to his superior Bala (Prakash Belawadi) and bumps into a London based war correspondent Jaya (Nargis Fakhri). So will Vikram take help of Jaya in his task or will he find some other way. Will he get trapped after the war? Will he complete the task he is sent for? Watch this movie this weekend with friends and have a great time.
Movie Review
Reviewed by Kiram Savita on Aug 25 2013
Reviewed by Kiram Savita on Aug 25 2013