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Friday, 14 June 2013

Man of Steel- Take a Journey to the Origins of Superman- Must Watch Movie

By:Krishna Jani
Rating: 3 Star(3/5)

The famous comic book character that has mesmerized everyone around the world with for years with his super strength and the man who actually started the super hero cult is back on screens in Man of Steel. Yes! The man needs no introduction...he's Superman.

In Zack Snyder's latest flick Man of Steel talks about he origins of this legendry superhero Superman. The role is played by Henry Cavill, who looks stunning in the all new Superman suit that looks more scaled and does not have the signature red underwear. Though the Christoper Reeve  fans might not appreciate this suit and the hero much, but it nevertheless doesn't demean the looks and acting of this talented British actor. 

The movie talks about the story of how Superman was born on the dying planet Kryton. He was sent to Earth as a baby so that his race could survive. However, little baby that he is, he doesn't realize this and grows up with superhuman powers. All the while in his young age he wonder about his purpose in life and finally he discovers it when he goes to Artic, after hearing the news of a strange 'anomalous object' found in Artic. Here he somehow gets connected to his dead father Jor-El played by Russell Crowe who gives him the details about his birth his planet Krypton and his purpose of existence. Hence, begins Superman's journey to bring down his enemy General Zod who has destroyes Krypton Planet and killed his father. 

The movie is a must watch for all Superman fans and it is after a long time that you see the man flying on a big silver screen. The Man of Steel is surely an interesting watch.

Fukrey – A funny and joyous Ride

By:Rachna Rawat
Rating: 3 Star(3/5)

Review: A story of four lads who have just completed school and have a life dream to get admission ina good and well known college. The lads are Hunny(Pulkit Samrat), Choocha (Varun), Lali(Manjot Singh), and Zafar (Ali Fazal). They have no means of fulfilling this dream oftheires. They have asolid game plan which is based on their dear friend Choocha's dream and then Honey tries to decode it thinking they might the lottery this time. But in this journey they come across Bholi Punjaban who is a foul mouthed Punjabi girl. She always finds way to get money.

They take help of this lady and take borrow some money from her. She invest the money they ask in their business plan bu they life then becomes miserable. They dont know how to return the money and this female will not let them go this way. There are loads of funny dialogues that will make you laugh. See on to know what will they do to return the money or bluff the woman. Will they be successful in either of the two? Will they get admission in agood college?

A fun loving and joyouns movie that must be watched with friends. 


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